February 21, 2024 Monthly Meeting

Please join us for our February Meeting

February 21, 2024
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Please NOTE THE DATE CHANGE
Country Creek Country Club, 21180 Country Creek Road, Estero, Florida

PROGRAM: Our speaker will be Brian MacNeel with Crime Prevention Task Force. This is a community service organization developed by former law enforcement officers. Their mission is to achieve more awareness of the public for the criminal threat facing everyone in today’s society and show effective measures to counter that threat.

Topics discussed:

  • Identity Theft, Fraud and Scams
  • Purse Snatching, Guns and Alternative Weapons
  • Hurricane Safety
  • Carjacking and Much More

Brian’s engaging personality has raised Brian to an accelerated level in teaching Crime Prevention. Brian has spoken to hundreds of groups over his crime prevention career. He has now successfully transformed the stereotypical ‘boring’ crime prevention program into an entertaining and educational experience.

Dinner is $35.00. Registration available on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/february-monthly-meeting-february-21-a-week-later-than-usual-tickets-803879754987   The deadline for registration is February 16 at 4:45 pm. Guests are welcome!